Parallel Session 2 :: Monday, 12/16, 12:30-14:30

Special Session 85 New Trends in The Mathematical Modeling of Epidemiology and Immunology
Organizer(s): Yang Kuang , Abdessamad Tridane
Capital Suite 9
 12:30-13:00  Yang Kuang (Arizona State University, USA)
 Delay induced periodic solutions in a dendritic cell therapy model
 13:00-13:30  Stanca M Ciupe (Virginia Tech, USA)
 The effect of model structure and data availability on virus dynamics at three biological scales
 13:30-14:00  Aisha Tursynkozha (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan)
 Traveling Wave Speed and Profile of Rabies Model: Insights from the Go or Grow Hypothesis
 14:00-14:30  Ibrahim Nali (University of Szeged, Hungary)
 Threshold Dynamics in a Within-Host Infection Model with Crowley-Martin Functional Response Considering Periodic Effects