Parallel Session 6 :: Tuesday, 12/17, 12:30-14:30

Special Session 88 Recent developments in stochastic analysis and related topics
Organizer(s): Xicheng Zhang , Jian Wang , Wei Liu
Capital Suite 21 B
 12:30-13:00  Yingchao Xie (Jiangsu Normal University, Peoples Rep of China)
 The first eigenvalue of one-dimensional elliptic operators with killing
 13:00-13:30  Yanyan Liu (Wuhan University, Peoples Rep of China)
 Kernel Variable Importance Measure with Applications
 13:30-14:00  Yichao Huang (Beijing Institute of Technology, Peoples Rep of China)
 Moments and tails of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos
 14:00-14:30  Xiaobin Sun (Jiangsu Normal University, Peoples Rep of China)
 Asymptotic behavior of multi-scale stochastic systems