Parallel Session 11 :: Wednesday, 12/18, 14:45-16:45

Special Session 76 Recent Developments in Nonlinear and Nonlocal Evolution Equations
Organizer(s): Hantaek Bae , Tak Kwong Wong , Yong Yu
Conference Hall B (D)
 14:45-15:15  Rafael Granero Belinchon (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain)
 On the dynamics of surface waves for a fluid with odd viscosity
 15:15-15:45  Billel Guelmame (ENS Lyon, France)
 Singularity formation and global weak solutions to the Serre-Green-Naghdi equations with surface tension
 15:45-16:15  Anthony Suen (The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
 Liouville-type theorems for the stationary ideal magnetohydrodynamics equations in multi-dimensional cases