Parallel Session 12 :: Wednesday, 12/18, 17:00-18:30

Special Session 76 Recent Developments in Nonlinear and Nonlocal Evolution Equations
Organizer(s): Hantaek Bae , Tak Kwong Wong , Yong Yu
Conference Hall B (D)
 17:00-17:30  Ho Man Tai (Dublin City University, Ireland)
 Mean Field Games, FBSDEs and Associated Master Equations
 17:30-18:00  SOYEUN JUNG (Kongju National University, Korea)
 Traveling waves for monostable reaction-diffusion-convection equations with discontinuous density-dependent coefficients
 18:00-18:30  Dongkwang Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Korea)
 Some results on a repulsive chemotaxis-consumption model