Recent advances in mean field games for crowd dynamics
Organizer(s): |
Mohamed Ghattassi
New York University Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Diogo Gomes
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Saudi Arabia
Nader Masmoudi
New York University Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
| The purpose of the proposed special session is to bring together experts in the area of Mean Field Games (MFGs) to present their progress on this topic. MFG systems play important roles in modeling crowd dynamics, where the evolution of a pedestrian depends on the surrounding crowd. The field has witnessed significant recent advances in the study of mathematical analysis and long-term behavior. The goal of the session is to gather participants working on various aspects of the Mean Field Games field, including both application-oriented and theoretical aspects. By bringing together both young and experienced researchers, we aim to stimulate and initiate expedient future developments in this active field of study at the intersection of partial differential equation analysis and applications
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