Special Session 87: Large Population Optimization, Stochastic Filtering and Mathematical Finance

On Poles and Zeros of Linear Quantum Systems
Zhiyuan Dong
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
Peoples Rep of China
Co-Author(s):    Guofeng Zhang, Heung-wing Joseph Lee
The non-commutative nature of quantum mechanics imposes fundamental constraints on system dynamics, which in the linear realm are manifested by the physical realizability conditions on system matrices. These restrictions endow system matrices with special structure. The purpose of this paper is to study such structure by investigating zeros and poses of linear quantum systems. In particular, we show that $-s_0^\ast$ is a transmission zero if and only if $s_0$ is a pole, and which is further generalized to the relationship between system eigenvalues and invariant zeros. Additionally, we study left-invertibility and fundamental tradeoff for linear quantum systems in terms of their zeros and poles.