Special Session 120: Congestion Games on Networks and the Price of Anarchy: Theory and Applications

Mean-Field Game Multi-Population Opinion Dynamics Model
Tigran Bakaryan
Institute of Mathematics NAS of RA, Center For Scientific Innovation and Education
Co-Author(s):    Ishkanuhi Hakobyan, Yuliang Gu, Xianjin Yang, Naira Hovakimyan
This work presents a scalable and accurate multi-population opinion dynamics model aimed at understanding how interactions within populations lead to consensus, polarization, or fragmentation. Scalability and accuracy are achieved by leveraging group affiliations to define agent similarities, integrating both individual- and group-level interactions. The dual nature of the proposed method enables the examination of micro-level (individual) interactions and macro-level (group) dynamics, providing insights into the reciprocal influence between individual behaviors and group dynamics. Moreover, a corresponding mean-field game (MFG) model is also considered, leading to the examination of a coupled system of MFG equations. We prove the existence of solutions to the MFG model and provide numerical experiments capturing complex social phenomena.