Special Session 99: Recent Advances in Mathematical Physics: A focus on (many-body) quantum systems and spectral theory.

Entanglement entropy in the ground state of non-interacting massless Dirac fermions in dimension one
Wolfgang Spitzer
FernUniversitaet in Hagen
Co-Author(s):    Fabrizio Ferro, Paul Pfeiffer
We present a novel proof of a formula of Casini and Huerta for the entanglement entropy of the ground state of non-interacting massless Dirac fermions in dimension one localized to (a union of) intervals and generalize it to the case of R\`enyi entropies. At first, we prove that these entropies are well-defined for non-intersecting intervals. This is accomplished by an inequality of Alexander V.~Sobolev. Then we compute this entropy using a trace formula for Wiener--Hopf operators by Harold Widom. For intersecting intervals, we discuss an extended entropy formula of Casini and Huerta and support this with a proof for polynomial test functions.