Special Session 124: Recent Advances in Hydrodynamic Stability Analysis

A nonlinear Schr\{o}dinger equation for capillary waves on arbitrary depth with constant vorticity
Malek ABID
Aix-Marseille Universit\`e
Co-Author(s):    Christian Kharif, Yang-Yih Chen and Hung-Chu Hsu
A nonlinear Schr\{o}dinger equation for pure capillary waves propagating at the free surface of a vertically sheared current has been \red{used} to study the stability and bifurcation of capillary Stokes waves on arbitrary depth. \newline A linear stability analysis of weakly nonlinear capillary Stokes waves on arbitrary depth has shown that (i) the growth rate of modulational instability increases as the vorticity decreases whatever the dispersive parameter $kh$ where $k$ is the carrier wavenumber and $h$ the depth (ii) the growth rate is significantly amplified for shallow water depths and (iii) the instability bandwidth widens as the vorticity decreases. A particular attention has been paid to damping due to viscosity and forcing effects on modulational instability. In addition, a linear stability analysis to transverse perturbations in deep water has been carried out, demonstrating that the dominant modulational instability is two-dimensional whatever the vorticity. \newline Near the minimum of linear phase velocity in deep water, we have shown that generalized capillary solitary waves bifurcate from linear capillary Stokes waves when the vorticity is positive. \newline Moreover, we have shown that the envelope of pure capillary waves in deep water is unstable to transverse perturbations. Consequently, deep water generalized capillary solitary waves are expected to be unstable to transverse perturbations.