Special Session 81: Reaction-(cross-)diffusion models in mathematical biology

Shrinking vs. expanding: the evolution of spatial support in degenerate Keller-Segel systems
Mario Fuest
Leibniz University Hannover
Co-Author(s):    Frederic Heihoff
We consider radially symmetric solutions to a degenerate parabolic--elliptic Keller--Segel system in bounded balls with initial data having compact support. Our main result shows that the initial evolution of the positivity set is essentially completely determined by the flatness/steepness of the initial data near a boundary point $x_0$ of the support. If they are sufficiently flat (respectively, steep), the support shrinks (respectively, expands) near $x_0$. We give concrete conditions for both behaviors and in particular show that there is a critical exponent and a critical parameter distinguishing between these cases. The proof is based on constructing suitable sub- and supersolutions to a transformed problem.