Special Session 93: Recent trends in elliptic and parabolic equations

Recent results on planar Schr\odinger Poisson equations
Cristina Tarsi
Universit\`a degli Studi di Milano
The Schr\odinger-Poisson equation has been first introduced in dimension $N=3$ in 1954 by Pekar to describe quantum theory of a polaron at rest, and then applied by Choquard in 1976 as an approximation to the Hartree-Fock theory of one-component plasma. It has been extensively studied in the higher dimensional case $N \geq 3$, due to the richness of plenty of applications and to the new mathematical challenges related to nonlocal problems. On the other hand, the literature is not abundant for the planar case $N=2$, due to the presence of a sign-changing and unbounded logarithmic integral kernel, which demands for new functional settings where implementing the variational approach.\ We review here some recent results on this topic and on some new related inequalities.