Special Session 78: Special Session on Mathematics of Data Science and Applications

Deep Ridgelet Transform: Harmonic Analysis for Deep Neural Network
Sho Sonoda
The ridgelet transform has been developed to study neural network parameters, and it can describe the distribution of parameters. Mathematically, it is defined as a pseudo-inverse operator of neural networks. Namely, given a function $f$, and network $NN[\gamma]$ with parameter $\gamma$, the ridgelet transform $R[f]$ for the network $NN$ satisfies the reconstruction formula $NN[R[f]]=f$. For depth-2 fully-connected networks on a Euclidean space, the ridgelet transform has been discovered up to the closed-form expression, thus we could describe how the parameters are distributed. However, for a variety of modern neural network architectures, the closed-form expression has not been known. In this talk, I will introduce a systematic method to induce the generalized neural networks and their corresponding ridgelet transforms from group equivariant functions, and present an application to deep neural networks.