Special Session 71: Pure and Applied Analysis, Local and Nonlocal

A weighted Schauder estimate for an irregular oblique derivative problem
Michiaki Onodera
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Co-Author(s):    Toru Kan, Rolando Magnanini
I will talk about an elliptic regularity estimate for an oblique derivative boundary value problem, in which the directional derivative of solution along a vector field on the boundary is prescribed. It is known that the classical Schauder estimate is no longer valid if the vector field is tangential at a submanifold of the boundary. Our new Schauder-type estimate, in contrast to previously known subelliptic estimates, does not lose the derivatives, but it takes into account the regularity deficit as a weight in the estimate. In fact, this estimate is shown to be appropriate for an application to Backus` problem in geodesy. This talk is based on joint work with Toru Kan (Osaka Metropolitan University) and Rolando Magnanini (University of Florence).