Special Session 124: Recent Advances in Hydrodynamic Stability Analysis

Well-posedness of Free Boundary Inviscid Flow-Structure Interaction models
Amjad Tuffaha
American University of Sharjah
United Arab Emirates
Co-Author(s):    Igor Kuykavica. Sarka Necasova
We obtain the local existence and uniqueness of solutions for a system describing interaction of an incompressible inviscid fluid, modeled by the Euler equations, and an elastic plate, represented by the fourth-order hyperbolic PDE. We provide a~priori estimates for the existence with the optimal regularity $H^{r}$, for $r>2.5$, on the fluid initial data and construct a unique solution of the system for initial data $u_0\in H^{r}$ for $r\geq3$. We also address the compressible Euler equations in a domain with a free elastic boundary, evolving according to a weakly damped fourth order hyperbolic equation forced by the fluid pressure. We establish a~priori estimates on local-in-time solutions in low regularity Sobolev spaces, namely with velocity and density initial data %$v_{0}, R_{0}$ in~$H^{3}$. This is joint work with Igor Kukavica and Sarka Necasova.