Special Session 21: Fluid dynamics and PDE

Water Wave Models: Bore Propagations
Hongqiu Chen
University of Memphis
Considered here are two unidirectional water wave models for small amplitude long waves on the surface of an ideal fluid $\begin{equation} \eta_t + \eta_x + \frac34 \alpha (\eta^2)_x - \frac16\beta \eta_{xxt} \, = \, 0, \end{equation}$ and the higher-order model equation $\begin{equation}\begin{split} \eta_t+\eta_x-\gamma_1\beta{\eta}_{xxt}+\gamma_2\beta\eta_{xxx}+\delta_1\beta^2{\eta}_{xxxxt} +\delta_2\beta^2\eta_{xxxxx} \ + \frac34\alpha(\eta^2)_x+ \alpha\beta\Big(\gamma (\eta^2)_{xx}-\frac7{48}\eta_x^2\Big)_x-\frac18\alpha^2(\eta^3)_x=0, \end{split}\end{equation}$ where $\eta=\eta(x,t)$, $x\in\mathbb R$ and $t\geq 0$, is the deviation of the free surface from its rest position at the point corresponding to $x$ at time $t$. $\alpha, \beta $ $\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \delta_1, \delta_2$, $\gamma $ are physical parameters. In this talk, we discuss well-posedness issues when the initial dada is non-localized.