Special Session 77: Recent developments in variational problems and geometric analysis

Some new results on elliptic equations involving Logarithmic Laplacian
Rakesh Arora
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-BHU)
Co-Author(s):    Jacques Giacomoni and Arshi Vaishnavi
This talk presents new existence, non-existence and uniqueness results for the following problem \[ L_{\Delta} u = f(x,u) \ \text{in} \ \Omega, \quad u = 0 \ \text{in} \ \mathbb{R}^N \setminus \Omega \] where $L_\Delta$ is the Logarithmic Laplace operator and $f$ satisfies sub-critical, critical and super-critical nonlinearities growth conditions. Such type of problems are connected to the model problems in population dynamics, optimal control, approximation of fractional harmonic maps, and fractional image denoising.