Special Session 124: Recent Advances in Hydrodynamic Stability Analysis

Staircase formation in fingering convection: a peculiar case of instability in the mean fields.
Francesco Paparella
New York University Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Co-Author(s):    Francesco Paparella (New York University Abu Dhabi)
Fingering convection is a special case of buoyancy--driven convection that occurs when the most diffusing of two buoyancy--changing scalars is stratified in such a way as to stabilize the fluid, and the least diffusing scalar in the opposite direction, while the overall density decreases upward. In those cases, a well--understood linear instability of the motionless state produces convective motions dominated by small coherent structures, known as `salt fingers`, that travel vertically in the domains carrying most of the fluxes. Once the convection is established, if the two Rayleigh numbers fall in a certain portion of the parameter space, a further instability occurs, which turns the horizontally averaged density field from a profile characterized by a constant gradient into a staircase--like profile that alternates regions of high and low density gradients. This talk explores the possible explanations of the staircase--forming instability, examining in particular some simplified models that undergo a similar phenomenology. If time allows, the analogy between these models and some well-known techniques for non--linear image denoising will be illustrated.