Special Session 10: Analysis of diffuse and sharp interface models

Navier-Stokes equations with dynamic boundary conditions and related problems
Dalibor Prazak
Charles University, Prague
Czech Rep
Co-Author(s):    B. Priyasad, M. Zelina
We consider the evolutionary Stokes system subject to the so-called dynamic boundary condition \[ \beta \partial_t u + \alpha u + \nu[(Du)n]_\tau = h \qquad \textrm{on } \partial \Omega \] where $Du$ is the symmetric velocity gradient, $n$ is outer normal, and subscript $\tau$ denotes the tangential projection relative to $\partial \Omega$. \par Our first aim is to establish the basic $L^p$ theory, including the existence of an analytic semigroup and optimal $W^{k,p}$ estimates for $k=1$ and $2$. \par These results are then applied to related nonlinear systems: Navier-Stokes and Cahn-Hilliard Navier-Stokes equations.