Special Session 48: Fluid dynamics and KAM theory

Asymptotically full measure sets of almost-periodic solutions for the NLS equation
Livia Corsi
University "Roma Tre"
In the study of close to integrable Hamiltonian PDEs, a fundamental question is to understand the behaviour of `typical` solutions. With this in mind it is natural to study the persistence of almost-periodic solutions and infinite dimensional invariant tori, which are in fact typical in the integrable case. In this talk I shall consider a family of NLS equations parametrized by a smooth convolution potential and prove that for `most` choices of the parameter there is a full measure set of Gevrey initial data that give rise to almost-periodic solutions whose hulls are invariant tori. As a consequence the elliptic fixed point at the origin turns out to be statistically stable in the sense of Lyapunov. This is a joint work with L.Biasco, G.Gentile and M.Procesi.