Special Session 121: Recent developments on nonlinear geometric PDEs

Existence and Non-existence results for non-linear elliptic systems involving Hardy potential
Abdelrazek Dieb
University Ibn khaldoun of Tiaret
The main goal of this work is to study existence$\backslash$non-existence of non-negative super-solution to a class of gradients-potential systems with Hardy term. More precisely, we consider the system $\begin{equation*} \tag{$\mathbf{S}_\lambda$}\qquad\left\{ \begin{array}{rcll} -\Delta u-\l\dfrac{u}{|x|^2}& = & f_1(x,v, \nabla v) & \text{in }\Omega , \ -\Delta v-\l\dfrac{v}{|x|^2}& = &f_2(x,u,\nabla u) &\text{in }\Omega , \ u=v&=& 0 & \text{on }\partial \Omega, \end{array}\right. \end{equation*}$ where $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N, N\ge 3, $ is a bounded regular domain such that $0\in\Omega$. Here, $01$, we prove the existence of an optimal critical curve in the $(p,\,q)$-plane, that separates the existence and non-existence regions.