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Special Session 44: The theory of cluster algebras and its applications

Cluster algebras for Symplectic groupoid and Teichhmuller space of closed genus 2 surfaces
Michael Shapiro
Michigan State University
Co-Author(s):    L.Chekhov
A symplectic groupoid of real unipotent upper-triangular matrices was introduced by A.Bondal. It consists of pairs of nondegenerate matrix B and unipotent upper-triangular matrix A such that BABt is also unipotent upper-triangular. The symplectic groupoid possesses a natural symplectic structure that induces a natural Poisson structure on the space of unipotent upper-triangular matrices. This Poisson structure appeared earlier in papers by B.Dubrovin, M.Ugaglia, M.Mazzocco and other in relation to isomonodromic deformations. We discuss a cluster structure compatible with this Poisson structure and use it to describe a cluster structure on Teichmuller space of closed genus 2 curve.