Special Session 60: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Related Topics

Standing waves for the nonlinear Schr\odinger-Poisson system with a doping profile
Tatsuya Watanabe
Kyoto Sangyo University
Co-Author(s):    Mathieu Colin
In this talk, we consider the nonlinear Schr\odinger-Poisson system with a doping profile, which appears in the study of semi-conductor theory. We are interested in the existence of ground state solutions and their orbital stability. The presence of a doping profile causes several difficulties, such as the proof of the strict sub-additivity and the uniqueness of a maximum point of a fibering map.When the doping profile is a characteristic function supported on a bounded smooth domain, some geometric quantities related to the domain, such as the mean curvature, are responsible for the existence of ground state solutions.