Special Session 96: Evolutionary Equations Systems

Basic considerations about chemotactic models in penetrable habitats
Giuseppe Viglialoro
Universit \\`a degli Studi di Cagliari
Co-Author(s):    Silvia Frassu, Yuya Tanaka
The term chemotaxis describes the phenomenon by which cell bodies, bacteria, and other organisms (unicellular or multicellular) direct their movements in response to the presence of specific chemicals in their habitat. The simplest mathematical formulation of this phenomenon involves two unknowns that obey as many differential coupled equations. Since the advent of such a model (Keller and Segel, 1970), the results obtained are numerous. Nevertheless, the common denominator of such studies focuses on the assumption that the habitat is impenetrable. In this talk, we will discuss the phenomenon of chemotaxis in situations where the environment is, on the contrary, penetrable. This is a joint project with Silvia Frassu and Yuya Tanaka.