Special Session 23: New trends in pattern formations and dynamics for dissipative systems and related topics

Segregation pattern in a mass conserved reaction-diffusion system from a model of asymmetric cell division
Yoshihisa Morita
Ryukoku Joint Research Center Sci & Tech
We study a four-component reaction-diffusion system with mass conservation in a bounded domain with the Neumann boundary condition. This system models the segregation pattern during the maintenance phase of asymmetric cell devision. Utilizing the mass conservation, we reduce the stationary problem of the system to a two-component elliptic system with nonlocal terms, formulating it as the Euler-Lagrange equation of an energy functional. In this talk we focus on the existence of equilibrium solutions with segregation pattern in a cylindrical domain. This result is based on the joint work with Prof. Y. Oshita (Okayama Univ.).