Special Session 60: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Related Topics

Non-linear evolution equations with non-local coefficients and smoothing effect
Akisato Kubo
Fujita Health University
We investigate the global existence in time and asymptotic profile of the solution of some nonlinear evolution equations with strong dissipation and the proliferation term: $$\ w_{tt}= D\Delta w_{t} +\nabla\cdot(\alpha(w_{t})e^{-w}\chi[w]) + \mu(1-w_{t})w_{t},\ \mbox{in}\ {\Omega}\times(0,T)\,$$ where $D, \mu$ are positive constants, $\alpha(\cdot)$ is an sufficiently smooth function, $\Omega$ is a bounded domain in $R^n$ with smooth boundary $\partial \Omega$ and $\nu$ is the outer unit normal vector on $\partial \Omega$, $\chi[w]:=\chi[w](x,t)$ is a non-local term. We will show the existence and asymptotic behaviour of solutions to the initial and zero-Neumann boundary value problem of the equation. We will apply our results to a model of mathematical biology, and we discuss the smoothing effect.