Special Session 126: Machine Learning and New Framework for Solving Partial Differential Equations

A new method using C0IPG for the biharmonic eigenvalue problem
Xia Ji
Beijing institute of technology
Peoples Rep of China
Co-Author(s):    yongxiang xi, jiguang sun
The talk presents a new proof of the $C^0$IPG method ($C^0$ interior penalty Galerkin method) for the biharmonic eigenvalue problem. Instead of using the proof following the structure of discontinuous Galerkin method, we rewrite the problem as the eigenvalue problem of a holomorphic Fredholm operator function of index zero. The convergence for $C^0$IPG is proved using the abstract approximation theory for holomorphic operator functions. We employ the spectral indicator method which is easy in coding to compute the eigenvalues. Numerical examples are presented to validate the theory.