Special Session 67: Fractional Differential Equations: Theory, Methods and Applications

Blowing-up Solution of a System of Fractional Differential Equations with Variable Order
Muhammad R Fadillah
Khalifa University
United Arab Emirates
Co-Author(s):    Mokhtar Kirane
We investigated the necessary condition for the following nonlinear system of fractional differential equations to have a blowing-up solution in finite time $$u'(t) + D_{0|t}^{\alpha(t)} (u(t) - u_0) = |v(t)|^q, t > 0, q > 1 ,$$ and $$v'(t) + D_{0|t}^{\beta(t)} (v(t) - v_0) = |u(t)|^p, t > 0, p > 1$$ where $u(0) = u_0 > 0, v(0) = v_0 > 0, \alpha, \beta \in C^1[0,+\infty)$ such that $0 < \alpha_m \leq \alpha(t) \leq \alpha_M < 1$ and $0 < \beta_m \leq \beta(t) \leq \beta_M < 1$ and $D_{0|t}^{\rho(t)}$ is Riemann-Liouville derivative of order $\rho(t)$. Our method was to use a suitable test function in the weak functions.