Special Session 114: New developments in Analysis of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics

Stability and large-time behavior of nD tropical climate model with zero thermal dissipation
Dongjuan Niu
Capital Normal University
Peoples Rep of China
Co-Author(s):    Wu, Huiru; Tang, Houzhi
In this talk, we are concerned with stability problem and large- time behavior of 2D and 3D tropical climate model with zero thermal dissipation under small initial data. Specifically, the first one focuses on the global well-posedness and large-time behavior of solutions of the system with the dissipation and part damping in the whole space. The second one investigates the stability problem and the optimal decay rate of 3D tropical climate model with zero thermal dissipation under small initial data. The third one works on the stability near Couette flow to the system with the dissipation and damping in the strip domain.