Special Session 67: Fractional Differential Equations: Theory, Methods and Applications

Determination of the flux terms in a time fractional viscoelastic equation
Suleyman Ulusoy
American University of Ras Al Khaimah
United Arab Emirates
Co-Author(s):    Mohamed BenSalah, Salih Tatar, Masahiro Yamamoto
We will introduce our results for the flux identification problem for a nonlinear time-fractional viscoelastic equation with a general source function based on the boundary measurements. We prove that the direct problem is well-posed, i.e., the solution exists, unique and depends continuously on the heat flux. Then the Frechet differentiability of the cost functional is proved. The Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, based on the gradient formula for the cost functional, is proposed for numerical solution of the inverse flux problem. The numerical examples, both with noise-free and noisy data, provide a clear demonstration of the applicability and accuracy of the proposed method. If time permits, we will discuss further directions and ongoing investigations.