Special Session 82: Recent Advances in Nonlinear PDEs and Free Boundary Problems

A Free Boundary Problem with Nonlocal Obstacle
Hayk Mikayelyan
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Peoples Rep of China
Co-Author(s):    Michel Chipot, Zhilin Li
Consider the following optimal minimization problem in the cylindrical domain $\Omega=D\times(0,1)$: $$ \min_{\bar{\mathcal{R}}_\beta^D} \Phi(f) $$ where $$ \bar{\mathcal{R}}^D_\beta = \left\{f(x)\in L^\infty(\Omega)\colon f(x`,x_n) = f(x`),\,\, 0\leq f \leq 1,\,\,\int_D fdx = \beta \right\}, $$ $u_f\in W^{1,2}_0(\Omega)$ is the unique solution of $\Delta u_f=0$, and $\Phi(f)=\int_\Omega |\nabla u_f|^2dx$. We show the existence of the unique minimizer. Moreover, we show that for a particular $\alpha>0$ the function $U=\alpha-u_f$ minimizes the functional with nonlocal obstacle acting on function $V(x`)=\int_0^1 U(x`, t) dt $ $$ \int_\Omega \frac{1}{2}|\nabla U(x)|^2dx +\int_D V(x`)^+\,dx`, $$ and solves the equation $$ \Delta U(x`,x_n) = \chi_{\{V>0\}}(x`) + \chi_{\{V=0\}}(x`) [\partial_\nu U (x`,0) + \partial_\nu U (x`,1)], $$ where $\partial_\nu U$ is the exterior normal derivative of $U$. Several further regularity results are proven. It is shown that the comparison principle does not hold for minimizers, which makes numerical approximation we developed in [LM] somewhat challenging. $$ $$ Keywords: rearrangement problems, free boundary, nonlocal obstacle $$ $$ MSC Classification: 35R11, 35J60, 35R35, 35B51, 49J20, 65N06 $$ $$ [CM] Chipot, Michel; Mikayelyan, Hayk, $\textit{On some nonlocal problems in the calculus of variations}$, Nonlinear Anal. 217 (2022), Paper No. 112754, 17 pp. $$ $$ [LM] Li, Zhilin; Mikayelyan, Hayk, $\textit{Numerical analysis of a free boundary problem with non-local obstacles}$, Appl. Math. Lett. 135 (2023), Paper No. 108414, 6 pp. $$ $$ [M] Mikayelyan, Hayk, $\textit{Cylindrical optimal rearrangement problem leading to a new type obstacle problem}$, 2018, ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 24, 2, p. 859-872 14 p.