Special Session 10: Analysis of diffuse and sharp interface models

Variational approach to pure traction and Signorini problem between linear and finite elasticity
Politecnico di Milano
Co-Author(s):    Francesco Maddalena (Politecnico di Bari) and Danilo Percivale (Universita` degli Studi di Genova)
An energy functional for the obstacle problem in linear elasticity is obtained as a variational limit of nonlinear elastic energy functionals describing a material body subject to pure traction load under a unilateral constraint representing the rigid obstacle. There exist loads pushing the body against the obstacle, but unfit for the geometry of the whole system body-obstacle, so that the corresponding variational limit turns out to be different from the classical Signorini problem in linear elasticity. However, if the force field acting on the body fulfills an appropriate geometric admissibility condition, we can show coincidence of minima. The analysis developed here provides a rigorous variational justification of the Signorini problem in linear elasticity, together with an accurate analysis of the unilateral constraint.