Special Session 118: Recent advances in mathematical finance

Deep prediction and XAI on Financial Market Sequence for Enhancing economic policies
Massimiliano Ferrara
University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Co-Author(s):    Massimiliano Ferrara
Numerous sectors are greatly impacted by the quick advancement of image and video processing technologies. Investors can make informed investment decisions based on the analysis and projection of ffnancial market income, and the government can create accurate policies for various forms of economic control. This study uses an artiffcial rabbits optimization algorithm in image processing technology to examine and forecast the returns on ffnancial markets and various indexes using a deep learning LSTM network. To successfully record the regional correlation properties of ffnancial market data, this research uses the time series technique. Convolution pooling in LSTM is then used to gather signiffcant details hidden in the time series data, generate the data`s trend curve, and incorporate the features using technology for image processing to ultimately arrive at the prediction of the ffnancial sector`s moment series earnings index. A popular kind of artiffcial neural network used in time series analysis is the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. By processing data with numerous input and output timesteps, it can accurately forecast ffnancial market prices. The correctness of ffnancial market predictions can be increased by optimizing the hyperparameters of an LSTM model using metaheuristic algorithms like the Artiffcial Rabbits Optimization Algorithm (ARO). This research presents the development of an optimized deep LSTM network with the ARO model (LSTM-ARO) for stock price prediction. The research`s deep learning system for ffnancial market series prediction is efffcient and precise, according to the ffndings. Technologies for data analysis and image processing offer useful approaches and signiffcantly advance the study of ffnance.