Special Session 74: Recent Advances in Local and Non-local Elliptic PDEs

Uniqueness of positive solutions for a class of nonlinear elliptic equations with Robin boundary conditions
Ratnasingham Shivaji
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Co-Author(s):    D.D. Hai & X.Wang
We prove uniqueness of positive solutions to the BVP $\begin{equation*} \left\{ \begin{array}{c} -\Delta u=\lambda f(u)\ \text{\ in }\Omega , \ \frac{\partial u}{\partial n}+bu=0\ \text{\ on }\partial \Omega ,% \end{array}% \right. \end{equation*}$ when the parameter $\lambda $ is large independent of $b\in \mathbb{(}% 0,\infty )$. Here $\Omega $ is a bounded domain in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ with smooth boundary $\partial \Omega ,\ f:[0,\infty )\rightarrow \mathbb{[}% 0,\infty )\mathbb{\ }$is continuous, sublinear at $\infty $, and satisfies a concavity-like condition for $u$ large.