Special Session 9: Recent Progress in Mathematical Theory of Stability and Instability in Fluid Dynamics

Asymptotic stability of Couette flow for the Stokes-transport equations
Ruizhao Zi
Central China Normal University
Peoples Rep of China
In this talk, we investigate the asymptotic stability of the three-dimensional Couette flow in a stratified fluid governed by the Stokes-transport equation. We observe that a similar lift-up effect to the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation near Couette flow destabilizes the system, while the inviscid damping type decay due to the Couette flow (Y,0,0) together with the damping structure caused by the decreasing background density $\varrho_{\rm s}(Y)$ stabilizes the system. This is based on a joint work with Weiren Zhao and Daniel Sinambela.