Special Session 75: Stochastic Evolution Systems Across Scales: Theory and Applications

Well-posedness of stochastic Degasperis-Procesi equation
Nikolai V Chemetov
University of Sao Paulo
Co-Author(s):    Fernanda Cipriano
Well-posedness of stochastic Degasperis-Procesi equation \bigskip Nikolai V. Chemetov (DCM - FFCLRP, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) \bigskip This talk is concerned with the existence of a solution to the stochastic Degasperis-Procesi equation on R with an infinite dimensional multiplicative noise and integrable initial data. Writing the equation as a system composed of a stochastic nonlinear conservation law and an elliptic equation [1], we are able to develop a method based on the conjugation of kinetic theory [2] with stochastic compactness arguments. More precisely, we apply the stochastic Jakubowski-Skorokhod representation theorem to show the existence of a weak kinetic martingale solution [3]. We also demonstrate the uniqueness result [4]. This is a joint work with Fernanda Cipriano (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal). \medskip Bibliography: 1. L.K. Arruda, N.V. Chemetov, F. Cipriano, Solvability of the Stochastic Degasperis-Procesi Equation. J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, 35(1) (2023), 523-542. 2. N.V. Chemetov, W Neves, The generalized Buckley--Leverett system: solvability. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 208 (1) (2013), 1-24. 3. N.V. Chemetov, F. Cipriano, Weak solution for stochastic Degasperis-Procesi equation. J. Differential Equations, Vol. 382 (15) (2024), 1-49. 4. N.V. Chemetov, F. Cipriano, The uniqueness result for the weak solution for stochastic Degasperis-Procesi equation. To be submitted.