Thematic Session 3: Recent advances in singularity analysis in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations

Parallel Session 6 :: Tuesday, 12/17, 12:30-14:30                    Conference Hall A
 13:00-13:45  Manuel del Pino (, England)
 Delaunay-type compact equilibria in the liquid drop model
 13:45-14:30  Yihong Du (University of New England, Australia)
 On the KPP equation with nonlocal diffusion and free boundaries

Parallel Session 7 :: Tuesday, 12/17, 14:45-16:45                    Conference Hall A
 15:00-15:45  Mouhamed Moustapha Fall (, Senagal)
 On some overdetermined boundary value problems and the Schiffer conjecture.
 15:45-16:30  Joachim Krieger (, Switzerland)
 Recent developments on type II singularities for dispersive PDE

Parallel Session 8 :: Tuesday, 12/17, 17:00-19:30                    Conference Hall A
 17:00-17:45  Monica Musso (University of Bath, England)
 Long time behavior for vortex dynamics in the 2 dimensional Euler equations
 17:45-18:30  Angela Pistoia (Sapienza University of Roma, Italy)
 On some properties of Steklov eigenfunctions