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The AIMS Conference Series
Special Session 114: New developments in Analysis of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics
Organizer(s): Dongjuan Niu , Zhenhua Guo , Chunjing Xie
Parallel Session 13 :: Thursday, 12/19, 8:00-9:30
Capital Suite 6
Mingjie LI
(Minzu University of China, Peoples Rep of China)
Stability of Stationary Solutions to the Nonisentropic Euler--Poisson System in a Perturbed Half Space
Jitao Liu
(Beijing University of Technology, Peoples Rep of China)
Asymptotic stability for n-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic equations
Yu Mei
(Northwestern Polytechnical University, Peoples Rep of China)
Vanishing viscosity limits for the free boundary problem of compressible flows
Parallel Session 14 :: Thursday, 12/19, 13:00-15:00
Capital Suite 6
Dongjuan Niu
(Capital Normal University, Peoples Rep of China)
Stability and large-time behavior of nD tropical climate model with zero thermal dissipation
Tianyi Wang
(Wuhan University of Technology, Peoples Rep of China)
Isothermal Limit of Entropy Solutions of the Euler Equations for Isentropic Gas Dynamics
Huimin Yu
(Shandong Normal University, Peoples Rep of China)
Time-periodical solution to compressible Euler Equation
Qian Yuan
(Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peoples Rep of China)
Incompressible limit of viscous vortex sheets with large data