Parallel Session 11 :: Wednesday, 12/18, 14:45-16:45

Special Session 23 New trends in pattern formations and dynamics for dissipative systems and related topics
Organizer(s): Yoshihisa Morita , Junping Shi
Capital Suite 15
 14:45-15:15  Yuan Lou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Peoples Rep of China)
 Role of chemotaxis in some SIS PDE epidemic model with singular sensitivity
 15:15-15:45  Shin-Ichiro Ei (Josai University, Japan)
 Pulse dynamics on a star-shaped metric graph with different widths
 15:45-16:15  Gaetana Gambino (University of Palermo, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Italy)
 Pattern formation in IGP-communities with anti-predator behavior
 16:15-16:45  Yoshihisa Morita (Ryukoku Joint Research Center Sci & Tech, Japan)
 Segregation pattern in a mass conserved reaction-diffusion system from a model of asymmetric cell division